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Lots of things are annoying. I like to complain. I'm good at complaining. Sometimes I feel the need to complain and pretend everyone cares. Yeah, I know everyone doesn't care. Shut up.

The Candy Heart's Demise

What the fuck has happened to candy hearts?

I was very excited this week when I went to the grocery store. Among the odds and ends at the end of the aisle for film and tapes and such, there was a large display for chocolate candy hearts! My mother was nice enough to buy a half of a case of them on the condition that I shared them with her.

All was good. I happily sat at this very computer and munched on the hearts of chocolatly goodness... until I came around some weird ones. Suddenly I was getting hears that said "Let it be", "Go girl", and even "Cool dude and "As if". Jeepers! It looked like a teeny bopper and a hippy crawled into the box and died! What do those phrases have to do with Valentines Day is what I'd like to know.

I say we revolt. Let's take all of those stupid candies, put them in a box, and then them back to the company. Yeah! The address of the company is:

The New England Confectionary Co.
Cambridge, MA 02139 U.S.A

They also have a website. Go there and badmouth them.

